Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

As you start 2012, our wish is for one of peace, joy and good health.

Most of you know about my journey these past two years and some of you might be learning about this for the first time.  What a difference two years make!

Please know that my last check ups have shown that I am doing remarkably well.  I have had a great support system.  My husband and kids have gone above and beyond the call of duty.  The term ‘in sickness and in health’ never had more meaning.

So thank you family, friends, my doctors, prayer warriors and above all thanks be to God, Jesus, the rock I have clung to, the one that never let me become afraid, the one that never let me lose my joy and the one that taught me never to lose hope but also to accept whatever comes my way.  Thank you friends for your support, your dinners, gifts, cards and all the things you have done to make everything easier for me and my family.  I want to thank my abundance of prayer warriors, you were the best!  A young man, friend of my children and of the family said to me “Mrs. Ungaro, my mom told me you like prayer and I don’t know how to pray but I am going to pray for you.”  I found that amazing!

I encourage you to relish life, enjoy the moments that make life meaningful, do as much good as you can and as you should.  Enjoy family, enjoy friends, enjoy the moment.  Pray and worship.

I leave you with one of my favorite verses (Romans 12:12) and one that can be of great comfort in your daily cares.

"Be patient in affliction,
Faithful in prayer,
Joyful in hope."