Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good News!

Some of you might know about this already but just in case you don't:  the biopsy results show that all is well with my cells and the tumor is necrotic (dead!).  There is no sign of live activity, so let's just say I fall into the 5% of people that actually survive pancreatic cancer.  My surgeon said, "The fact that we are sitting here talking a year after the diagnosis is an unusual occurrence as I don't get to do this with most of my patients since they are usually gone..."--he might not have said it exactly like that but words to that effect.  

Foremost to God be the Glory.  So many prayer warriors praying for me.  If you were one of them I thank you for it.  Let's keep at it since there is still surgery for April to excise the remainder of the mass and some repair.  We will just enjoy the victories along the way.  My back pain has gotten so much better since a few days ago. God is good!  :)

Love you!


"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1

Mimi with grandchild #15, Ezra.