Sunday, August 28, 2011


Dear friends and family,

It has been a while since I updated my blog, so here I go.  During the month of July I made a visit to all four Florida kids.  I am enclosing pictures with all of the grandkids.  I first visited Gainesville, then Lakeland and then Tampa.  It was a joy to see everyone and also it was great that our NYC girl Angie came down from Brooklyn and made the rounds with me and then stayed home for almost a month.

As most of you know, I have been having daily back pain for at least 2 months now.  I was diagnosed as having a few collapsed vertebrae and was to have a procedure yesterday (Friday) but was canceled at the last minute as anesthesia requested that I take a beta blocker for at least a week prior for heart protection.  I decided to look for other options to see if I can alleviate the pain and was recommended to have acupuncture by a few reliable sources.  I did call a doctor yesterday who gave me an appointment right away and I had my first treatment today (Saturday).  I will have 2 more treatments next week and expect to tell you that I feel like new.

TO MY PRAYER WARRIORS:  I am also going to ask that  this coming Thursday Sept. 1 between the hours of 9 and 10 pm, if possible for you stop for five or ten minutes and pray for my back and for a successful treatment, thus even avoiding the need for surgery.  Bigger miracles have already occurred in this period of my recovery and for God nothing is impossible.  Let His will be done.

I will keep you posted.

Love, Mimi

p.s.  By the way, the 3-month CT was normal.  No sign of cancer.  God is good.

Mimi & The Ungaro Kids
Mimi & The Peoples Kids
Mimi & The Sanders Kids