Tuesday, July 5, 2011

HAPPY 4th of JULY!

We had a wonderful weekend in Lakeland, Florida: delicious BBQ, fireworks, grandchildren, family, and a baptism for our latest granddaughter Querida (Carrie) Dominga Peoples born on the 10th of June.  Ruben and I got back yesterday night so we will see more fireworks here at home today!

I am almost 3 months post surgery.  I cannot tell you it has been a breeze because the recuperation period seems to be full of surprises. There is always a little ache here and another there, so it is a one day at a time kind of deal.  It can be as mild as one finger hurting or it can be both knees at the same time.  I am very thankful because mostly whatever gets thrown my way is fixable.  I am going for my 3 month CT this week and then for the follow up visit to my surgeon.  I have lost a ton of weight, so much that I made it to my 1970 wedding weight of 124 lbs. which looked great then but at my age it does not look as good, especially when it is lost fast and without the benefit of any regular exercise.  I have been eating better and putting on some pounds lately--so for that I am very happy!  I will let you know how everything goes with the CT and doctor's evaluation.

Introducing Querida (Carrie) baptized July 3rd at
St. Stephen's Episcopal by her Dad Rev. David Peoples.