Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy New Year!

“The spirit of the Lord God…has sent me to bring good news….to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Isaiah 61:1-2          

Where did January go?  It’s been a long time since I’ve updated my blog (November).  I hope everyone started the New Year on a good note.  As for me, a lot has happened since my last update.  I underwent a procedure in November called Nanoknife, only the second one performed on the pancreas in the country.  This is supposed to be the technology of the future.  The tumor on my pancreas was bombarded with electrical impulses on a cellular level via needles to kill the remaining cancerous cells, if any.  My faith tells me they should all be dead but in the next week I will have a biopsy for the doctors to confirm that and for the surgeons to decide if surgery is still necessary to remove a portion of the dead tissue.  In that respect, I’m happy that everything is looking very good.  Progress has been made, however not without a cost.  Due to my 28 radiation treatments this summer, there was some damage to the spinal column which required cement to be placed in several cracked vertebrae (performed in January) to alleviate my pain.  I will have to put up with the pain for a while for further healing.  I will keep you posted as progress continues.