Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer Update

Dear family and friends,

It has been way too long since our last update so here we go.  I entered what I like to refer to as my second phase of treatment:  radiation therapy.  For five weeks, radiation has been added to the chemotherapy regimen in an effort to further minimize the size of the tumor.  After five weeks of radiation and then five weeks of "rest" from radiation, the doctors will consider surgery (or what I call "phase 3").

I have already completed 25 out of 28 radiation treatments.  It has not been easy, especially the last few weeks.  As time goes by and apparently accumulation of radiation happens, my body has felt it more each day bringing up the side effects which I did not experience before.  Needless to say this has been harder that I anticipated, especially since my first 6 months were so easy in comparison.  I look forward to completing these treatments in the next two weeks and moving on to the next.  

In the meantime, please keep the prayers up. They are needed!

I leave you with this verse from
Romans 12:12

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

Love, Mimi

P.S.  This summer has also brought lots of visits from the kids and grandkids.  It has been so wonderful to see everyone.  Here are a few pictures...

Also, some of the kids and grandkids participated in the PANCAN Stride for Life 5K.  It was a great success!  Here are a few pictures for the event.