Sunday, September 19, 2010

Welcome to the Ungaro clan Baby Ezra!

Dear Friends,

We are happy to introduce a new addition to the Ungaro Family:  Ezra Emanuel Ungaro born to Ricky and Alison a week ago Sunday, September 12th.  He is a bundle of joy!  Ruben and I plan on meeting him this coming week.  Nothing like feeling and smelling the skin of a brand new baby.

As we approach the date of my coming CT scan--about 3 weeks--I am going to request prayers for a tumor that is shrunken or completely disappeared.  With God's grace by this year's end we should have a resolution to this very challenging episode.

The joy of the Lord is my strength!

With love,


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Radiation, Reunions, & Recovery

Dear Family and Friends,

Finally my 28 radiation treatments are over. Could hardly wait. Now I get two weeks to relax and get my body back to normal. No more treatments until mid September then a CT scan at the end of the month and then I should have some more news for you. I am not feeling great yet as I still have the effects of the radiation lingering in my body but should be feeling better which each passing day.

On a bright note, I was able to visit Puerto Rico last weekend for a family reunion (about 60 of us). I last saw many of them when we were little kids; now they're grown-ups with kids of their own. I have been living in the States for 40 years so you can imagine the changes. On the following day Sunday, we got together as many of the Class of 1965 of Luquillo High School for our 45 year class reunion . We managed to get 20 graduates present and 2 teachers, the group altogether totaled about 60 counting some spouses and others. We pledged to get together in 5 years for our 50th year--a tall order! Where does the time go? I am proud to be their class president.

I shall send more news your way in a few weeks, in the meantime keep the prayers up, now more than ever.

Love,  Mimi

Luquillo Highschool, Class of 1965